
Music Development Plan 2024 

Academic year this summary covers  2024/2025 
Date this summary was published  September 2024 
Date this summary will be reviewed  September 2025 
Name of the school music lead  Miss Lynsey Guy 
Name of school leadership team member with responsibility for music  Headteacher: Mrs Tania Harrison 

Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Jamie Grunda  

Name of local music hub  Entrust Music Services 
Name of other music education partnerships   

The aims of this plan   

This is a summary of how Chase Terrace Primary School delivers music education to all our pupils across three areas – curriculum music, extra-curricular provision and musical experiences – and what changes we are planning in future years. This information is to help pupils and parents or carers understand what our school offers and who we work with to support our pupils’ music education. 

We are committed to ensuring children understand the value and importance of music in the wider community and aim to provide opportunities for children to use their musical skills, knowledge and experiences to involve themselves in music, in a variety of different contexts. 

The objectives of teaching music at Chase Terrace Primary School are: 

  • Children are given the opportunity to perform, listen to, review and evaluate their own and others music across a range of periods, genres and styles. 
  • Children are given the opportunity to explore musical terms and notations. 
  • Children are given the opportunity to sing and use their voices to express themselves, create and compose music. 
  • Children are given the opportunity to learn a music instrument to enable them to create and compose music with these instruments. 
  • Children are given the opportunity to understand how music is created and produced. 

Part A: Curriculum Music  

Curriculum music is taught in lesson time to all pupils. 

Curriculum music lessons are informed by the Kapow Primary and the Model Music Curriculum (non-statutory guidance for music teaching) and provide pupils with opportunities to:  

  • Listen to and evaluate music from diverse time periods and cultures. 
  • Learn how to create and control sound using their voices, as well as tuned and untuned instruments. 
  • Understand how music is communicated through various notation systems. 
  • Improvise and compose music. 
  • Perform musically in front of audiences of varying sizes. 

Our aim is that an instrumental scheme will also delivered by our teaching staff which gives pupils an opportunity to learn the Ocarina (Early Years/ KS1), Recorder and Glockenspiel (KS2)* for a prolonged period, allowing them to develop technical proficiency on a single instrument. 

Part B: Extra-curricular music  

This section gives information about the opportunities for pupils to sing and play music, outside of lesson time, including choirs, ensembles and bands, and how pupils can make progress in music beyond the core curriculum. 

Opportunities for singing and playing music outside of lesson time support pupil progress beyond the core curriculum therefore there is time dedicated to singing each week with KS1 and KS2 gathering together on alternate weeks. 

Extra-curricular club opportunities are available to all children in KS2 to take part in learning to play the recorder or sing as part of a choir.  

This is an area in which the school will focus on improving in the future. 

Part C: Musical experiences  

Opportunities to participate and be an audience member. 

This section shows all the other musical events and opportunities we organise, such as singing in assemblies, concerts, shows and trips to professional concerts.   

Each Key Phase participates in enrichment activities on Friday afternoons which include singing assemblies as a Key Stage, Sing and Sign and class based music activities. 

  Autumn  Spring  Summer 
EYFS  Christmas performance  Mother’s day. 


Cross-curricular singing 
KS1  Christmas performance  Cross-curricular singing  

Number bond songs 

Virtual sing along* 
LKS2  Lichfield Music Share 

Christmas Carol service 

Multiplication songs  Virtual sing along* 
UKS2  Christmas Carol service    End of Year Leavers assembly 

Part D: In the future 

Chase Terrace Primary School is committed to continually enhancing musical offerings to pupils. Below are the improvements we plan to implement in the coming years. We welcome your suggestions and encourage you to contact the school if you have any ideas on how we can further improve our musical opportunities. 

Improvement  Action   When will the change be introduced?  Evaluation 
Curriculum Music  Continue to monitor music teaching throughout the school, use pupil interviews, lesson observations and teacher questionnaires. Offer CPD where needed.  September 2024   
Curriculum Music / Assessment  Continue to develop the use of assessment in Music including evidencing written pieces of work linked to appraising, notation and musical theory.  2024-2025   
Curriculum Music/ Quality of Teaching   Music teaching is of a good standard as Staff use Kapow which supports teachers with pedagogy and supporting videos. 

CPD will support staff within the subject to ensure quality of teaching is maintained. 

Curriculum Music/ 

Musical Experiences 

Introduce further live music opportunities for the school. Book live music performances through links with local Secondary School and Theatre groups.  Begin to explore links October 2024   
Whole Class Instrumental Provision  Children are given ‘taster opportunities’ to play instruments within the curriculum. Further provisions should to be provided to give children additional opportunities to learn an instrument lead by a skilled teacher.  To be actioned by January 2025.   
Whole Class Instrumental Provision*  Further develop the teaching of an instrument over a sustained period of time introducing glockenspiel to KS2.  To be actioned by January 2025.   
Whole Class Instrumental Provision  Establish greater links with the local Music Hub and Entrust Music Services to develop instrument provisions. 


To be actioned by January 2025.   
Instrumental Provision/ Tuition  Source an external provider to deliver additional tuition. 


Send out a parent view questionnaire to ascertain demand. 


To be actioned by April 2025. 



To be actioned by January 2025. 

Singing   Continue to embed singing assemblies across the school.  September 2024   
Singing with purpose  Develop children’s knowledge of a range of genres linked to a common theme (School Ethos).   September 2024   
Singing with purpose  Give children further opportunities to sing songs together / perform together at the end of term/ year for parents.  


To be actioned by April 2025. 


Communication   Parents will be notified of any musical opportunities through our newsletters, class dojo and School’s Instagram account.  Ongoing   


ofstedlogos “At Chase Terrace Primary School each staff member takes tremendous pride in educating children and preparing them for maturity, each child is treated as an individual and given a sufficient amount of space to discover themselves.”
