Curriculum Statement


At Chase Terrace Primary School, we believe deeply in the importance of helping our pupils develop as a whole person – happy and ready to take the next steps into their education and lives beyond primary school, regardless of their starting point.  We celebrate our difference.  

Our aim is to create an exciting, interesting set of activities that are underpinned by the knowledge, skills and understanding relevant for each year group.  Our curriculum will promote and foster confidence, independence, co-operation and self-esteem throughout the time the children are at Chase Terrace Primary School, which will prepare them for life in 21st Century Britain.  

Our offer is underpinned by our shared vision of the school’s purpose, values and beliefs.   

Our purpose, values and beliefs  

At Chase Terrace Primary School our purpose is to develop the children both academically and socially by giving them the skills for life. In addition, we develop the children’s confidence and self-belief so that they can reach their full potential as rounded citizens and life-long learners.  

Underpinning everything that we do are our values:  

Respect, determination, honesty, friendship, pride and enthusiasm  

We believe that children learn best when all staff and governors:  

  • Demonstrate their belief that all children can succeed.  
  • Model the school’s values and high expectation.  
  • Show passion and enthusiasm for the children’s learning.  
  • Provide a safe and happy environment where the children feel listened to, cared for and nurtured.  

Our curriculum is carefully crafted so that our children develop their academic, social and cultural capital.   

We have made informed choices about what experiences we want to include and how they build over time across the curriculum. We include both off and on-site experiences in our curriculum and make the most of what we have locally including local businesses and charities. Please refer to the school trips and visitors for further information.  We ensure enrichment across the curriculum in all year groups, please refer to our enrichment documents for further information.   

Based on our knowledge of the National Curriculum, we have developed progression maps from nursery to year 6 in all subjects. This shows how at Chase Terrace we intend to cover the fundamental concepts of each national curriculum subject.  Each subject has a ‘Subject Leader’ who has an overview of their subject and has considered how each skill and knowledge statement connects and builds over time in their subject. Subject leaders have also given consideration to how larger concepts are developed over time and in a variety of contexts to create a bespoke curriculum offer matched to our children’s needs.   

Every aspect of the curriculum is underpinned by a range of texts, vital in our promotion of a language rich environment to support the increasing communication needs of the children in our school. Books are selected to reflect equality, alongside spiritual, moral, social and cultural needs. Vocabulary progression document have been created for each subject to promote a wide variety of vocabulary and subject specific language.  

The primary purpose of our curriculum is to guarantee a successful learning experience for every child. Our daily Assessment for Learning and timely feedback means that teachers and pupils always know exactly how much progress they are making and where they may need more help.    

Our broad and balanced curriculum is designed to:  

  • Develop strong characters in order to be resilient and cope with adversity.  
  • Develop creative individuals who collaborate and co-operate and can solve problems seeing failure as an opportunity to learn.  
  • Develop pupils who can think critically and care about their learning, so they always do their best.  
  • Develop pupils who care about their role as part of a family, community and the wider world;  encouraging them to feel part of, and to contribute positively to fundamental British values.  
  • Ensure all pupils have high aspirations.  
  • Develop a thirst for learning for all pupils.  


Our curriculum in underpinned by our vision of the school’s purpose, values and beliefs to develop the children both academically and socially by giving them the skills for life. Developing children’s confidence and self-belief so that they can reach their full potential as rounded citizens and life-long learners.   

The curriculum for each year group is carefully designed to ensure coverage and progression across all subject areas; developing depth of knowledge and understanding together with using memory and metacognition strategies to enables children to know more and remember more.  

We recognise children’s prior learning, encourage the children to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers. Children are supported to achieve their potential and progress with confidence to the next phase of their education.  

Our approach to teaching and learning supports our curriculum by ensuring that lessons build on prior learning and provide opportunities for guided and independent practice. The development of children’s knowledge and skills across all primary subjects is key when building on prior learning, this supports pupils for the next stage of their learning.  

At Chase Terrace Primary School everyone is encouraged to improve through our curriculum, understand others, not to give up, try new things, work hard, concentrate, enjoy school life, and develop a thirst for their own knowledge. Therefore, becoming model British citizens of the world with a clear, reflective moral compass and independent skills to apply in the wider world.  

Pupils are supported in school with extra support/resources deployed as necessary to help close the individual learning gaps.  

Lesson Design Principles in the Curriculum  

Teaching Principle   Implementation  
Review   Review learning with the use of baseline and end point questions.    
Small steps   Present new learning in small steps, linking to prior learning and moving on when new content is mastered.  
Model   Model worked examples and teacher thinking to ensure steps are clear.  Model to be followed.  
Questions   Question children’s understanding with a range of question types to determine how well material is learnt and remembered.  
Check   Check what pupils know using reasoning and problem solving questions. Use baseline and End point assessments to ensure children have understood the learning.   
Guided Practice   Build in time for additional practice to commit learning to memory.  
Independent Practice   Independent practice to produce “overlearning” so new learning can be recalled automatically.  
Scaffold   Use temporary supports to assist learning including modelling, dual coding, memory and metacognition strategies, cue cards, checklists etc.  
Challenge   Pitch expectations and content to challenge ALL learners.  Develop thinking skills.  
Visual Prompts   Learners can use these to support their understanding of written and spoken instructions.  

In their first year in school our Nursery children follow the Early Years Curriculum and develop their knowledge, skills and understanding through a combination of both play-based learning and more focused teacher led sessions. Pupils learn to share, work independently and play with others. Our intention is for our curriculum to prepare our children for their next stages of education and inspire them to find out more about the world and local area around them.  

Curriculum schemes and resources overview  

We utilise published curriculum materials to support our planning – all based on the Early Years and Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum and the National Curriculum (2014). All aspects comply with legislation and national guidance, including the teaching of Sex Relationships Education (SRE).  

We use a variety of published schemes to support us in school, these include:  

  • Read Write Inc. (Phonics)  
  • Nelson (Handwriting)   
  • The Write Stuff (Literacy)  
  • Ten Town (Number Formation)  
  • Oak National Academy NCETM (Mathematics)  
  • Mastering Number (Basic Number Skills)  
  • Number Sense (Times Tables Yr3-Yr6)  
  • Rock Stars (Times Tables Yr2-Yr6)  
  • Kapow/Twinkl (Curriculum Subjects)  
  • Purple Mash (Computing)  
  • Sport Xplorers (EYFS PE)  
  • Primary Science Teaching Trust (Science)  


We evaluate the knowledge, skills and understanding that the pupils have gained against the expectations agreed and evaluate our teaching from this.  This ensures that we are constantly striving for improvement and ensuring that our curriculum is the best it can be.  We will continue to review and evaluate each subject.  

ofstedlogos “At Chase Terrace Primary School each staff member takes tremendous pride in educating children and preparing them for maturity, each child is treated as an individual and given a sufficient amount of space to discover themselves.”
