
Our Governors

The Governors are a group of people passionate about education. The Governors oversee the strategic direction of the school and evaluate progress towards goals that improve the school. They do this through regular Committee Meetings that look at Standards, Premises, Personnel and Finance. They also meet termly as a whole Governing Body.
As part of their work they make regular visits in to school to look at pupil progress, safeguarding, SEN, teaching and learning and many other aspects of the school. They do this by monitoring data, talking to the children and staff and observing the every day workings of the school.
Name of Governor   Capacity Appointed by Date Appointed Date Term Ends Pecuniary Interests
Mrs C D Evans Chair of Governors Appointed by GB/board 1 February 2016 1 February 2027 None Declared
Mrs T Harrison Headteacher Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher/principal 1 January 2024 N/A None Declared
Mrs J Brown Vice Chair of Governors Nominated by LA and appointed by GB 1 January 2018 1 February 2027 None Declared
Mrs J Grunda Staff Governor Appointed by GB/board 21 March 2024 20 March 2027 None Declared
Mrs C Poynton Parent Governor Elected by parents 1 January 2018 1 February 2027 None Declared
Mr B Westwood Local Authority/Finance Governor Appointed by GB/board 24 March 2022 23 March 2026 None Declared
Mr L Finlan Parent Governor Parent appointed by GB/board due to no election candidates


23 November 2023 22 November 2027 None Declared
Additional Attendees
Abbie Boniface Clerk to Governors (Entrust) N/A 23 May 2024 On-going
Mrs J Nutting Bursar N/A 1 September 2023 On-going None


Structure and Remit

The Governing Body meets 3 times a year and controls the overall strategic direction of the school.
Three committees carry out more detailed work.
The Resources Committee has oversight of the school’s finances, human resources,  health and safety and premises. The chair is Mr B Westwood and it meets 3 times a year.
The Quality of Education Committee has oversight of pupil outcomes including achievement and personal development. It also has oversight of safeguarding. The chair is Mrs J Brown and it meets 3 times a year.
The Quality of Nursery Education Committee has oversight of all aspects of the Governor Led Nursery and wrap-around care. The chair is Mrs J Brown and it meets 3 times a year.
ofstedlogos “At Chase Terrace Primary School each staff member takes tremendous pride in educating children and preparing them for maturity, each child is treated as an individual and given a sufficient amount of space to discover themselves.”
