
Children get the opportunity to grow a bean plant.

Children get the opportunity to watch the process of a caterpillar turn into a butterfly.

Trip to the SeaLife centre.

Trip to the farm to look at baby animals.

Children get the opportunity to try on a bee keeps outfit.

We show children a live under the sea live feed when we look at under the sea creatures.

Focus on a range of Scientist displayed on the knowledge organiser.

A trip to the farm to support children with classifying animals.

Visit to Botanical Gardens (linked to science Plants topic)

Science week

Scientist identified for each term and lesson conducted around a career associated with science linked to the unit.

Books linked to each unit

Visit to National Space Centre in Leicester

Family Homework Task in Autumn 2023- Linked to Earth and Space

STEM Workshops (Coding and Space)

Science week

Earth Uk

Internation space centre radio links


Whole School Approach
All children get the opportunity to watch a panto in school.

Children went on a visit to the local library.

Weekly helicopter stories sessions.

Children take part in young writers competition.


All children get the opportunity to watch a panto in school.

Children went on a visit to the local library.

Children look at books from a range of different authors and cultures.

A range of extra-curricular clubs are offered such as story club and Disney club.

All children get the opportunity to watch a panto in school.

Children went on a visit to the local library (year 4)

Children look at books from a range of different authors and cultures.

Roald Dahl Day/World Book Day/Author Visit/Book Club


All children get the opportunity to watch a panto in school.

Children went on a visit to the local library.

Children look at books from a range of different authors and cultures.

Roald Dahl Day/World Book Day/Author Visit/Book Club.

Whole School Approach
All children get the opportunity to watch a panto in school every year.


Children are encouraged to play games outdoor relating to maths, e.g. What’s the time Mr Wolf, how many seconds can it take you to do a particular task.
Emphasise and explain the importance of Maths in real life scenarios.

Capacity – children make mocktails. Mass – children make rocky road cake.


Games Club to include a range of games that encourage mathematical thinking


Games Club to include a range of games that encourage mathematical thinking

STEM Workshops (Link to Coding)

Religious Education
Children explore real artefacts from both Christianity and Islam such as the Quran and bible.

Staff from different religions show children pictures/ artefacts from special celebrations such as weddings.

Children try traditional Diwali sweets when learning about the Diwali, they also create diva lamps out of clay, play dough or CD’s.

Linked to Art unit children design a T-shirt and carry out and Easter parade in assembly.

Children go on an Easter Egg hunt.

Children performed a Christmas play in front of parents and carers which is based around Christianity and the story of Christmas.

Christianity – A vicar from our local church has visited to talk to the children about different celebrations in Christianity such as Easter. Children also roleplay celebrations such as weddings, taking on roles such as the congregation.

An Imam from a local mosque has visited to talk to the children about Ramadan.

Children performed a Christmas play in front of parents and carers which was based around Christmas around the world and different religions.

Look at a synagogue on live webcam.


Visit to St John’s to take part in a Carol Concert.

Visit to a local church for our Christianity unit (cycle A)

Use Skyline Webcam UK to visit places of worship.

Visit St John’s Church to take part in a Carol Concert. 

Use Skyline Webcam Uk to visit places of worship.

Whole School Approach
Enrichment day- all children look in each year group focus on the same festival/ celebration from a religion, all year groups carry out different activities linked to the religious celebration.  



Physical Education
Children take part in sports day to compete against other children.

EYFS playground is equipped and well-resourced to promote physical activity children will access the playground at different times throughout the day.

Funky fingers are carried out every morning to support fine motor and gross motor skills.

10 week balanceability bike programme offered to children.


Children take part in sports day to compete against other children.

Children take part in Scootability, where they also learn about road safety.

A range of extra-curricular clubs are offered at lunchtimes and afterschool e.g. Laser tag

Take part in Bikeability. 

A range of extra-curricular clubs are offered at lunchtimes and afterschool e.g. Basketball and Dance. 

Sports person identified for each term

Use Skyline Webcam to view Olympics


Take part in Bikeability. 

A range of extra-curricular clubs are offered at lunchtimes and afterschool e.g. Basketball, American Football and Dance. 

A school trip, linked to the wider curriculum, which encompasses a long hike.

Use Skyline Webcam to view Olympics



Whole School Approach
Outdoor resources/ equipment promotes physical activity.

Playleaders from KS2 support children in EYFS and KS1 to play together outside, teaching them new games and encouraging team games.



Children explore a range of technology such as keyboards, cameras etc.

In Geography children do lots of map work including orienteering which supports them with coding.

Safer Internet Day celebrated annually


STEM Workshop- Linked to Coding

Safer Internet Day celebrated annually

Virtual Reality videos

Children go on a walk around the school grounds looking, listening, and describing what the feel.

Children use simple orienteering skills to read maps starting with tray maps then creating their own maps.

We use skyline webcams to show children Kenya when we cover our ‘Africa’ unit.

Children watched a Punch and Judy show for our seaside unit.

Links to our English unit where children write letters to a child in China.

Children celebrate Chinese New Year by tasting different Chinese foods.

Children performed a Christmas play in front of parents and carers which was based around Christmas around the world and different religions.

Skyline webcam- Look at Hong Kong when learning about China.

Write a letter to a child in China.

Skyline webcam- Look at Kenya.

Family Homework Task in Autumn 2023- Linked to Natural Disasters

Trip to Conkers- environmental link

Use Skyline webcam to look at natural disasters


Family Homework Task in Summer 2024- Linked to Marvellous Mountains

Field Trip to Dovedale (National Trip) to walk and explore Thorpe Cloud (287m at its highest point)

Whole School Approach

Local permission slips to Burntwood library, Morrisons, fire station and the local leisure Centre enables all year groups to visit these local areas.


Children look at real life household items when comparing old and new. They look at how things have changed and can gain a better understanding through what they can see.  

Homework project children create a family tree with families.

Trip to The Black Country Museum.

Great Fire of London day, writing like Samuel Pepys, baking bread, playground games.

A nurse has visited to talk to the children about what it is like to be a nurse now and the equipment she uses. The children can then compare it to what it was like to be a nurse in the past as they learn about Florence Nightingale.

Skyline webcam- Look at London today (comparing London then and now when learning about The Great Fire of London).

Skyline webcam- Explorers Unit (where Felicity, Aston, Ibn Battuta and Matthew Henson travelled to and explored)

Family Homework Task in Spring 2024- Linked to WW2

Use Skyline Webcam/Earth Tv to view Egypt for Egyptians topic

Family Homework Task in Spring 2024- Linked to WW2

Visit to Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery- Link to Ancient Egyptians

Visit RAF Cosford to look at WW2 Aircraft and Uniforms (some STEM activities included)

Whole School Approach
A historic timeline is present each child’s book this highlights the timeline of key events the children have/ will learn.


Children learn to stay ‘bonjour’ when answering the register and understand that this is a different language called French. Children are exposed to counting 1-3 in French.
Possible visit to restaurant in Hednesford: Order food in French
Art and Design
Children display their ‘Stary night’ paintings in a mock art gallery we create in our classroom and invite visitors from within the school (such as art lead) to come and view the artwork.

Each child creates a design their own Easter T-shirt.

Each child makes and designs their own gingerbread puppet.


Children learn about the Illustrator Quintin Blake which links to our English unit on Roald Dahl.

Children also made their mini books on either the Hungry Crocodile or The Great Fire of London (English or History link)

Art Club weekly for a half term

Christmas calendars/ mugs designs

Christmas cards and calendars

Artist identified for each term

Art Club weekly for a half term

Christmas calendars/ mugs designs

Christmas cards and calendars


Whole School Approach
Each key stage focuses on an artist a term.

A child is chosen every term from each class to have their work displayed on the ‘we are artists’ display board.

Every term a child from each class will have the opportunity to show their work to the other children in assembly and achieve a certificate.

Design and Technology
All children make a sandwich for a picnic.

All children make and design their own cookies.

When learning about Diwali children create their own diva lamps using CD’s, playdough and clay.

Children junk model a boat and test out their design on water.

Children sculpt a clay model.


Children explore food hygiene, follow instructions and weigh ingredients to bake bread during our Great Fire of London day.

Children design and build a bear for Baby Bear which links to our English unit Traditional Tales.

Visitor- Architect to talk to the children about their line of work
STEM Workshop
Whole School Approach
Each key stage focuses on a designer/ chef.


Children perform in their Christmas play to parents and the rest of the school.

Nursery rhymes are sung daily.

In Assemblies class teacher will choose one nursery rhyme per half term that will be sand with the children.  

Musician identified for each term
Recorder club

Musical theatre-summer term 2024 (cycle A)

Collective singing in the Carol Concert

Musician identified for each term

MusicShare visit:  To teach Year 3 several music lessons. Children to sing songs for a concert in Lichfield Cathedral.

Recorder club

Musical theatre-summer term 2024 (cycle A)

Collective singing in the Carol Concert

Musician identified for each term

Visit Local Secondary School for a Music Lesson

Visit CTA to watch Theatre Production

Whole School Approach
Music will be played for all children as they walk into and as they exit assemblies.

Whole School assembly- children learn how to sign a chorus of a song using sign language.

Each key stage focuses on a musician a term.

Dentists visit into school to teach children about dental care.

Weekly assemblies cover individual achievements the children have made both in and outside of school.

Weekly assemblies cover British values and other key topics.

Children are taught ‘stop, drop, roll’ when learning about fire safety.

When reading the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’ children try a variety of fruit from the story.

NSPCC ‘Speak out stay Safe’

A police officer has visited to talk to the children about their role in the community and how children can stay safe.

Weekly assemblies cover individual achievements the children have made both in and outside of school.

Weekly assemblies cover British values and other key topics.

NSPCC ‘Speak out stay Safe’- Workshop for Year 2 children-led by external visitors


Board game club for the children to work together socially.

Visit in the local area for road safety.

Annually children are selected to be children champions and the house teams come together to elect their new house captains.

Bike ability

Trip to Conkers- team building activities

First aid visitor planned

NSPCC ‘Speak out stay Safe’


First Aid Workshop delivered by a Paramedic

NSPCC Workshops annually

PCSO visit

Board game club for the children to work together socially.

Annually children are selected to be children champions and the house teams come together to elect their new house captains.

Bike ability

NSPCC ‘Speak out stay Safe’- Workshop for Year 5&6 children NSPCC ‘Speak out stay Safe’- Workshop for Year 2 children led by external visitors


Whole School Approach

Tent Day- parents/ carers support children to set up their own tents

 to deliver the end of year reflection at the end of assemblies

Feel Good Friday- children dress in something that makes them feel good

Whole School assembly- School visitor and interpreter- children learn how to sign a chorus of a song using sign language- children had the opportunity to ask questions about what it’s like being death and learnt other words in sign language.


ofstedlogos “At Chase Terrace Primary School each staff member takes tremendous pride in educating children and preparing them for maturity, each child is treated as an individual and given a sufficient amount of space to discover themselves.”
