Ethos & Values
A shared vision of the school’s purpose, values and beliefs is important. To ensure this the school staff met to agree upon what is set out below. The meeting included both staff and governors. We also spoke with the children and consulted with the student council to come up with the values that are important to us here at Chase Terrace Primary School.
Our purpose, values and beliefs
At Chase Terrace Primary School our purpose is to develop the children both academically and socially by giving them the skills for life. In addition we develop the children’s confidence and self-belief so that they can reach their full potential as rounded citizens and life-long learners.
Underpinning everything that we do are our values:
Respect, determination, honesty, friendship, pride and enthusiasm
We believe that children learn best when all staff and governors:
· Demonstrate their belief that all children can succeed
· Model the school’s values and high expectations
· Show passion and enthusiasm for the children’s learning
· Provide a safe and happy environment where the children feel listened to, cared for and nurtured